Your financial and in-kind donations allow us to serve over 2,000 patients and families per day!
Financial Donation
In-Kind Donation
We need YOUR help to transform the hospital stay for our patients and families. Hospital staff and volunteers use items to connect with patients every day.
A doctors kit and stuffed animal become a teaching tool for a new procedure.
A ukulele becomes the outlet for a teen’s cancer treatment experience.
A skein of yarn becomes a mother’s love in the form of a knitted hat for her infant son.
A blank canvas becomes a legacy gift from a hospice patient to his children.
A character backpack becomes the carrier of life saving supplies for a child newly diagnosed with diabetes.
A book helps a father connect with his daughter during a long distance video chat.
A rattle helps a big brother learn to gently play with his new baby sister.
Handmade Items
To protect patients and families, our handmade item policies have changed. Click here to learn more.
When you join the Riley Cheer Guild, you join the largest hospital auxiliary family in the state of Indiana! Our members connect with others in their community, promote our mission on social media, volunteer for events, join the board, host local fundraisers, host local toy and items drives, or become hospital volunteers. We need YOU to support all families having a healthcare experience.
"We are Riley Cheer Guild donors because the Riley Cheer Guild brought so much joy to Vivian during her stay at Riley. We want to continue that joy for other children and families.”
— Rachel Scott, Vivian’s Mom and Riley Cheer Guild Donor
Want to Volunteer in the Hospital?